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Mantova racconta la proprio esperienza del progetto C-Change alla settimana Europea delle Città e delle Regioni

The 18th European week of Regions and Cities drew to a close last month with this year's event being the first ever event to be delivered fully online. The numbers for the event were staggering with 20,000+ participants, 1000+ speakers and 500+ sessions. The C-Change network was pleased to be chosen to host a workshop for one of those sessions.The 18th European week of Regions and Cities drew to a close last month with this year's event being the first ever event to be delivered fully online. The numbers for the event were staggering with 20,000+ participants, 1000+ speakers and 500+ sessions. The C-Change network was pleased to be chosen to host a workshop for one of those sessions.

Driving Climate Action in Cities
Driving Climate Action in Cities was the theme of the workshop presented by Grainne Bradley, Simon Curtis, Emanuele Salmin and Claire Buckley, all of whom are part of the C-Change network. The C-Change network is an URBACT good practice transfer project made up of 6 cities led by Manchester. The good practice is based on the Manchester Arts and Sustainability Team’ approach demonstrating how other cities can work with their arts and culture sector to drive climate action and reduce emissions. The key message from the workshop was that the arts and culture sector has a role to play in climate action in cities. The aim of this workshop was to highlight the Manchester good practice being transferred as part of C-Change. The good practice is based on the Manchester Arts and Sustainability Team’ approach demonstrating how other cities can work with their arts and culture sector to drive climate action and reduce emissions.

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Il Comune di Mantova è Registrato EMAS e certificato ISO 9001:2005 e ISO 14001:2015

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